Pengaruh Celebrity Endorser dan Brand Awareness Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Ms Glow Men pada Mahasiswa ITB Widya Gama Lumajang


  • Ogi Permadi Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis WIdya Gama Lumajang
  • M. Ato’illah Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis WIdya Gama Lumajang
  • Ainun Jariah Institut Teknologi dan Bisnis WIdya Gama Lumajang


Celebrity Endorser, Brand Awareness, Purchasing Decision


Skin health and facial care are no longer neglected by men. The need for appearance and self-care has become a priority that is equally important as basic needs. One of the popular facial care brands is Ms Glow Men. In the competitive market, every company strives to attract consumers' attention with various marketing strategies, aiming to increase awareness, company image, and purchase intention. This study examines the influence of celebrity endorsers and brand awareness on the purchasing decisions of Ms Glow Men by eighth-semester management students at ITB Widya Gama Lumajang. The research population consists of 42 students. The analysis method used is multiple linear regression with the statistical tool SPSS. The analysis results indicate that celebrity endorsers and brand awareness significantly influence purchase decisions. Based on this research, it is recommended for Ms Glow Men to continue using celebrity endorsers and maintaining brand awareness for their products. Creative innovation is also needed to increase sales. In an increasingly competitive world, companies must be able to create a positive and appealing image in consumers' minds. Skin and facial care for men have become important needs, and companies must continuously adapt with creative ideas to increase the sales of their products.


