Analisis Pengaruh Keputusan Pendanaan, Keputusan Investasi dan Kebijakan Dividen Terhadap Nilai Perusahaan (Studi Empiris pada Perusahaan LQ45 yang Tercatat di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2019-2021)
Dividend Policy, Investment Decision, Funding Decision, Firm ValueAbstract
This study aims to determine the effect of funding decisions, investment decisions and dividend policies partially on company value in LQ45 companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2019-2021. This research is a quantitative research with associative analysis method. The population of this study amounted to 45 LQ45 companies, while the samples obtained were 24 LQ45 companies using a non-probability sampling technique of the purposive type. This study uses secondary data obtained from the 2019-2021 financial reports which have been published through the Indonesia Stock Exchange and data analysis using the multiple linear regression analysis method. The results of this study indicate that investment decisions have a significant effect on firm value, but funding decisions and dividend policies have no significant effect on firm value. While the R Square value obtained is 0.538 or 53.8% indicating that the contribution of the influence of funding decisions, investment decisions and dividend policies on firm value is 53.8% and the remaining 46.2% is influenced by other variables not included in this study.